About Me

About the blog...

I'm not sure I can be defined as a "Foodie".  Do I have an interest in food?  Yes, definitely.  Am I a gourmet?  hmmm... probably not.  I love food, I'm interested in nutrition and I enjoy cooking and recently have started to enjoy baking too.  But my focus is on healthy, easy to prepare food my whole family will enjoy.

I'm blessed with a family with no food allergies (food sensitivities maybe, but no allergies) and no picky eaters.  That makes my job a whole lot easier.  My challenge is deciding in advance what to make, 3 times/day, 7 days a week so that I can save both time and money.  I work full-time so from Monday to Friday we require packed lunches and I typically get home after 5, so quick suppers are also a must.  I've tried different strategies for meal planning over the past several years and find that planning all meals during the week and winging it on the weekends works best for us.  I also really love suppers that are either quick or can be prepped the night before.

Last fall my husband and I decided we needed to make a serious effort to shed our "summer weight" (too many beer and bags of chips at the cottage!) so we pulled out the Simply for Life meal plans from when he was a member a few years before.  We successfully shed some excess pounds and I really enjoyed knowing exactly what I needed to buy at the grocery store and what was for lunch and supper each day.  I knew I couldn't follow those meal plans forever (I need a little more variety than that!) but I decided my New Years resolution would be to meal plan for the year.  The problem is I'm an idea person, it's the execution that's often my problem.  My Pinterest obsession had me following quite a few blogs so on a road trip in November I had a lightbulb moment that if blogged my meal plans I might actually have the accountability I needed to stick with it.  Plus I thought, if I was taking the time to plan out a weekly meal plan then why not put it out there??  Maybe I could save other people some time and money too.  And so 52 Weeks of Meal Planning was born.


Meet the eaters...

This is me with my daughter Marin (2 in this picture) and my husband Dave.  This picture was taken almost 2 years ago and is still to this day my favorite family picture.  It never fails to put a smile on my face. 


  1. Yes! This is what I was hoping to find! A full-time working mom's approach to cooking for the week! Thank you! I plan to read your blog from top to bottom (as I find the time)!!

    1. Thanks for the note! I hope you find it useful and feel free to leave feedback anytime!

